Monday, June 18, 2007

Health and Nutrition continued...

Hello Class,

Thank you for all your hard work using my webpage on Health and Nutrition last week and a very big thank you for your feedback. It will help me improve the page.

Your task this week is to go to the following page and answer these questions:

  1. How many serves of bread, cereals or potatoes should we eat each day and which is better high or low fibre cereals?

  2. How many serves of meat, fish, eggs, beans or peas should pregnant women eat and is that different to what you should eat?

  3. How many times a month should we eat fried food?

  4. Should young children eat low fat yoghurt and skim milk?

  5. If your physical activity is very high - if you are sportsman or you are training a lot in the gymnasium does this change the amount of food you should eat? If it does what changes?

Type these answers into the comments section of this posting. Don't forget to let me know your name. :)


Susan H

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Your Health and Nutrition Task...

Hello Students,
Today you will be accessing a Health and Nutrition page. Please work quickly as I would like you to complete Activity 1 and Activity 2 if you possibly can.

Click on the address below and away you go:

Do your best!

Susan H