Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Kylie's Blog Address

For those of you who would like to leave a comment for Kylie on her blog the URL is as follows:

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Alernative Power Sources... Should we use them?

These days finding alternative energy sources is a big issue world wide because of global warming and the fact that natural resources like coal could eventually run out. Also there is the problem of what to do with all the waste we produce in modern communities.

Please go to the following website and read the article about using methane gas from sewerage to produce electricity. Make sure you read for understanding. After you have skimmed through the article go back and check you understand the keywords. Don't forget you can use an online dictionary to help your comprehension... THEN...

  1. Do you think this is a good idea... and if so why... if not why not...

  2. What other forms of energy could we use to produce power (i.e. electricity) instead of using coal?

  3. What is wrong with using power to produce energy? ... If you can't answer this question off the top of your head do an Internet search to get your answer. If you type in something like "coal powered electricity pros and cons" into Google you'll find plenty of sites to look at.

Please post your answers to the comments section of this blog.

Monday, July 2, 2007

What do you think of Apple's new IPhone?

With all the media coverage the IPhone received over the weekend I am sure you're all aware of its existence. If not I'd like you to look at the following sites or do a search for yourself and get up to speed on the IPhone. You are to give a review.
  1. Tell us what you like about the new IPhone.
  2. What you don't like about it.
  3. What are its best features
  4. Whether it is the best phone on the market at the moment... if not which phone is in your opinion.

Happy researching. Don't forget to post your comments to this blog and also place a review on your own group blog. If in doubt ask me during computer time.,133638/article.html#,133401-page,1/article.html,133639/article.html

Remember you are free to find other relevant articles on this phone but please try to restrict yourself to English websites.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Health and Nutrition continued...

Hello Class,

Thank you for all your hard work using my webpage on Health and Nutrition last week and a very big thank you for your feedback. It will help me improve the page.

Your task this week is to go to the following page and answer these questions:

  1. How many serves of bread, cereals or potatoes should we eat each day and which is better high or low fibre cereals?

  2. How many serves of meat, fish, eggs, beans or peas should pregnant women eat and is that different to what you should eat?

  3. How many times a month should we eat fried food?

  4. Should young children eat low fat yoghurt and skim milk?

  5. If your physical activity is very high - if you are sportsman or you are training a lot in the gymnasium does this change the amount of food you should eat? If it does what changes?

Type these answers into the comments section of this posting. Don't forget to let me know your name. :)


Susan H

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Your Health and Nutrition Task...

Hello Students,
Today you will be accessing a Health and Nutrition page. Please work quickly as I would like you to complete Activity 1 and Activity 2 if you possibly can.

Click on the address below and away you go:

Do your best!

Susan H

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Some Extra Help For You

Hello Class,

If you are having problems working out who the cane toads and the cockroaches represent, perhaps the picture below will help you.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Task for Week Commencing 28th May

Now that the Japanese students are back from camp it's time for all of us to work hard once again. Last week a very important event happened at Suncorp Stadium... It was a football game called the State of Origin. Your task is to find out what the State of Origin games are all about. Do an Internet search by typing "State of Origin" and "Football" and click on the Australia only button.

You need to be able to tell me 1) when the State of Origin began... 2) why it began... 3) how many games are played in the State of Origin competition... 4) how often it is played... 5) what type of football is played... 6) Who are the two teams involved... and what colour football jerseys does each team wear... 7) What are their nicknames... the nicknames for the teams... eg the death adders... the sharks???? 8) Who is the captain of each team this year....

When you have these answers type them into the comment section of this blog... don't forget to tell me your name...

Okay happy searching.


Susan H

PS What is the name of this footballer on the right...

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Your Task for this week commencing May 8

Hello Class,
I trust our new students are settling into the routine of SSPP and are not too worried about the different type of work they will be doing in this class.

For the Japanese students who have just returned from New Zealand... Welcome back.

Your TASK is to write 5 sentences describing the most interesting things you saw or did whilst in New Zealand. You can post your writing directly in the comments section of this blog.

For the rest of the class who didn't go to New Zealand, your TASK is to write 5 sentences describing last week's activity. You can tell me what you did or what you liked or didn't like or what you saw etc. You too will post your writing in the comments section of this posting.

Have a great week.
Susan H

Thursday, April 26, 2007

What a Funny Week

It has been a strange week for two reasons. The first is that all the Japanese students have either gone back home to Japan or are off in New Zealand having a wonderful time while the rest of us at UIL are supposed to be working hard.

The students who have remained at school feel that they should be on holiday too and it has been hard to keep them focused.

The second reason is that yesterday was Anzac Day which is a national or public holiday in Australia. This has really broken up the study week and most students have found it hard to focus on lesson today because of the mid week break.

However I am determined that my class will do some worthwhile work today.

My TASK for you today is: Tell me three important things you remember about Anzac Day. Remember you need to let me know which person is making the comment.


Susan H

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Time To Say Goodbye

Sadly for me it is time to say goodbye to some of my students. I will miss you all very much. I have enjoyed our time together. I hope you have enjoyed it too. I hope when you go back home you'll take a little bit of Australian culture with you. An experience like many of you have had ... staying for a year or more will have subtly changed you. You will never be quite the same again. This is a good thing. It will give you a new perspective on things and you will view your own culture a little more objectively. You will also appreciate the great things about your home country more than ever before.

Your task for today class is to write a paragraph about the funniest or most surprising thing that happened to your during your stay in Australia. You can attach it as a comment to this posting.
I look forward to reading them soon.
Regards Susan H

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


Thanks Class!
As usual you are working well.
Don't forget to add new posts to your group blogs and to look at the other group blogs in your class and comment on them. You should post a new thought at least once a week.
Don't forget it's great practice for your English expression and it can be loads of fun if you use your imagination.

Susan H


During next week's activity you will be learning about fire safety because you will be responsible for lighting campfires out at the farm.
Please go to the following website and find the answers to the questions below. Post your answers in the comments section of this blog.
  1. What is a good fire?
  2. What is a bad fire?
  3. What is the emergency number you should call if you see a fire?
  4. If your house is on fire what should you do?
  5. If your clothes catch on fire what should you do?
  6. Go to this site and find out if there is a fire restriction or ban in the Ipswich district
  7. Go to this site and answer the following questions

a) What are the six things you must do if a bushfire is coming your way?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Hello Class,

As you know this week we have been focusing on "The Rights of the Child". One of the issues we have been looking at is the problem of turning young children into soldiers and forcing them to use weapons. There is a very interesting article on the UNICEF website about Child Soldiers that I would like you to look at in your spare time and post comments about it here. CLICK HERE TO GO THE WEBSITE

Specifically I would like you to tell me in your own words:
  1. What is a child soldier?

  2. Are they girls as well as boys?

  3. How young are some of the children?

  4. Do you think there is ever a right time to let children fight in an armed conflict (a war)?

I look forward to reading your comments next week.



Hello Class

Hello Class,
I do hope you are writing something more exciting than I am in your group blogs. Over the next few weeks I would like us to generate some intelligent discussion on our blogs. One thing I'd like you to think about seriously is The Rights of the Child. Please look at this page and let me know what you think about it.